Thursday, April 19, 2007

I'm Not Like My Brother

See, my brother is colorblind. It serves for enjoyable holiday dinners when everyone asks, "What color is that?" and then snickers when he says "Red" when it's really yellow. "Reddish yellow, I mean." It's side-slipping when things are "dark" or "light" just because he doesn't want to deal with our chuckles at his "disability." Now, of course he can see colors - but it's his 3 million to our 10 million.

But I felt like him over these past two days yarn shopping for a Koigu Premium Merino Wool to match my lucious pink. I can remember the color, right? Here it is...

Try #1: Downtown Yarns

Nope. Kinda dirty pink. And this was after going into Knit New York, seeing the same yarn [that I have realized in hindsight] and trekking down Avenue A to purchase what I THOUGHT was the right yarn.

Try #2: Purl Soho

Wrong again. And I even had the wonderful ladies at Purl wind 2 of my 3 skeins since I was so certain this was the right color.

Third time's a charm? I'm not so sure. Next time, I'll not only bring a swatch of the yarn [go ahead, reprimand me], but I'll bring my brother since maybe his colorblind eyes are better than mine.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Insert expletive here

Excuse me, but who invited you, Mr. Toe? I know that I didn't.

Delightful yarn plus wonderful new stitch equals . . . a rip? Not fair! And I don't even know how to darn socks. I never intended to learn - that and dusting. Never a fan of the dusting.

Expletive: Your choice 4-letter word

Easter plus yarn multiplied by lots of knots equals yum!

Left: Malabrigo Kettle Dye Pure Merino in Azul Bolita. Not sure what to do with this. Might need to purchase more skeins for a vest or shrug. Hmm... ideas?
Center: Socks that Rock! Finally, I can cast on.
Right: Claudia Hand Painted Yarn in Jungle. Socks for moi! Gotta love the additional jimmy-rigged kid sister skein, eh?
Shop [left & right]: What's Needling U? in Frisco, CO. Something so heartwarming about buying yarn in a cozy mountain town.

Expletive: hells yeah!

Secret Feet Status
Made the foot too big. Had to frog and tink then reknit THEN tinked some more since still too big. But these must be as close to perfect as possible.

Cowl Status
Ran out of yarn. What?!!? Well, I trekked to Knit New York AND Downtown Yarns to try and match the yarn and nothing. I even purchased yarn at DY thinking that it was the same but it wasn't. I can't even post a pic. Too sad. Need to buy online now. Poor poor knitting. FYI - Knit's new website. Horrendous! Check it out and let me know if you agree. There's no yarn search. Why have a website for a yarn store if I can't even see what you sell?!!

Expletive: grumble grumble

More Yarn to Oggle

For Weekend Knitting's Bergamo - Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran, lot 610
For who knows what, Cascade Yarns' Bollicine Dolly [sale!]. Hmm... ideas?

Expletive: Creative adjectives using pornographic references

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Mz. Kwooz of "I have no stash or a blog" fame has jumped head-first into the deep end and received her membership card to the knitting blogsophere.

Everyone say it with me, "I told you so!"

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Knitters vs. Non-Knitters

Round 1.


Easter is usually the holiday when I eat too much chocolate and complain that there aren't enough vegetarian options, but not this one! My lovely SIL, cRazy sTitch, brought her ball winder over to my dad's on the Bunny Holiday for us to have some winding fun. Now, this winder has a history... about 25+ year history. I think it started in Long Island, at Debbie's childhood home, and then found it's way to Nanuet, where Debbie and Danny live now. A little before Bunny Holiday, I asked to borrow the winder so that I could finally wind not only my Socks That Rock! yarn but other skeins sitting in my stash. I didn't bring it all over but enough to keep us busy.

No swift.

How are we going to do this, I thought? Well, just stand there with your hands out, holding the hank, tilting and dancing the yarn dance and the retro winder will spin my beloved into a cute little ball/rectangle/thing.

And, some knots.

Debbie and I noticed some annoying knots in the first skein [STR] but were able to pick them out. One skein down, more to go! Bring on the yummy sock yarn from Colorado.

And, more knots.
A bigger one.
Huge knots to scare small children but not... Amanda!
And she's not a knitter!

I got very frustrated since this knot, this morphing of bad yarn, kept getting bigger and badder. I had to stop. Debbie tried. We had to stop. I had to have pie. But not Amanda. She wasn't dissuaded by the evil-knot-that-could. She hunkered down and picked that knot apart.

I had pie, Debbie's plum tart. Gotta love the Fruit of the Month Club!
And Amanda's delicious chocolate chip macaroons.

Knot begon! She fixed it! The non-knitter caused the knitters to "ooh" and "aah" in her wonderment. We decided that she can be taught and she will be taught [again; her grandma taught her back in the day, which, if anyone is counting, was a Tuesday].

Amanda will become a knitter.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Yes, I'm one of them

One of the females that is enamored with David Wright, the Mets third baseman. One that would wear a "Mrs. Wright" t-shirt [I stress the word "would" as those shirts pack a heavy dose of cheddar]. One that when she opened her newest New York Magazine, she slightly melted when she read the Mr. Clean article. Yum. And my boys are undefeated! Now, don't start your yammering about how they've only played 3 games. Those three games [a sweep, oh fair ones!] were against the defending World Champions.

I'm also one of those knitters that loves to cast on. I love to start projects, pick yarn, sift through pattern books, bookmark ideas on webpages, ogle FOs on other blogs. Because of this obsession, perfectionism or just plain silliness, it causes casting on to be rather difficult and, moreover, ritualistic. This ritual occurred a few times over the past 2 weeks in my lovely abode in the big-bad-BK - secret feet socks and a cowl neck tank top. And of course, I have dreams now [and not just David Wright realizing that he's destined to be with me, but I have that dream too].

Dream #1: Socks must fit secretee. Oh socks must fit! But remember, no pictures until the secretee receives them.

Dream #2: My cowl neck tank top isn't TOO pink... is it?