Thursday, April 14, 2011

Holy Guacomole, Batman!

Where has my blogging gone?? No idea!
Where has my knitting gone? Also, no idea!

Let's see if anyone still reads this. And in the meantime...

I will show a little knitting. Current project on the needles is the Hourglass Sweater from Last Minute Knitted Gifts. Delicious Malabrigo yarn in a deep rich pink.

And what is also in the picture? My new swift! (Ball winder en route). Thanks to the greatest boyfriend ever! Only fitting that a favorite piece I made this past winter was this Patriots hat. For him. Cute, ain't he?

I will show a little fooding

Most recent delicious Strawberry-Chocolate Blondies. Mmm!

Now... to "acquire" more blogging buddies...!

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