Thursday, March 29, 2007

Interview, check. What's next?

Wow. I am wired. I am bouncing off the walls. I had my Peace Corps interview today and am feeling so invigorated. I walked into my old stomping ground of NYU and sat down with a wonderful former volunteer, they're called RPCVs, and immediately... freaked out. I was nervous [since I was 10 minutes late], scared [since I forgot every reason why I wanted to join the Peace Corps in the first place] and excited [since I was finally having my interview].

First question: What is the Peace Corps in your words and why do you want to serve?
My Answer: uhh... um... well... yeah...

That painted a fabulous picture of eloquent Nicole. Thankfully, I was able to remember that I wanted to be part of a community, learn a new language, immerse myself in a different culture and challenge myself on every level. Onto more complex questions surrounding:

1. Leadership experience
2. Conflict and differences with someone and how I resolved it
3. Not having traditional support system available
4. Teaching/Transferring knowledge or a skill set to another
5. Stressful situations and how to handle them
6. Being away from home/family/friends
7. Living conditions and lack of communication
8. Language and cultural barriers
9. Changes in appearance/dress [yes, my tatoo is a factor]
10. Prescribed gender roles
11. Dietary restrictions [I'm a vegetarian!]
12. Ideal placement

Wow. It was a hefty hour and a half, but I kept feeling the energy bubble inside of me. I yammered about passions for knitting and cooking, my love for the planet and how computer savvy I am. I explained my job and how stressful and time-sensitive it is which lends itself to incredible project management skills. She got excited as well.

"I want to find the ideal niche program for you." [I'm paraphrasing]

YES! ROCK ON! FIND IT! That's what I want. I want to use all of these passions and... do! Whatever that "do" is, that's what I want to do. If I'm in a straw hut without running water, so be it. If I'm in a bussling city with millions of people and internet cafes, I'll be great there too.

Next Step: my "nomination" with a general program and general region [no countries listed]

Then: medical, dental and legal review. Doctors, dentists and the FBI will poke and prod me with attempts to find nothing. Now, hopefully my immunizations are all up-to-date. There are no new shots out, are there?

Finally: my "invitation" with a specific program and country.

Wow. I am wired.


Annie said...

Ok, you are pretty wired anyway, so I can only imagine what this has done to you. :-) Congrats on a very exciting endeavor! I can't wait to hear what happens next!!!

Debbie said...

Call your brother - we're both excited for you and he wants to know how it went :o)

Knitting Ewe said...

Congradulations! Can't wait to see what happens next!